Thanks for the kind words... Yeah, this thread has grown too big for its own good. Probably it should be broken into 5 or 6 smaller threads. The problem is I am too darn busy. And what I'm thinking is both the M48 Z-Probe Repeatability code and the Enhanced G29 Bed Leveling code need to be repackaged so they can be folded back into the main code base. Somebody suggested (asked) if that had been done and explained the steps to make that happen. I can't find that now. I've been looking at any thread that has GitHub and Put in it.

But anyway, I'm thinking of trying to fold the M48 Z-Probe Repeatability code back into the code base first. The reason is it is smaller, less controversial and has less conflicts with the existing code base. If I can get that 'absorbed', then I was going to try to get the bigger, fatter Enhanced G29 incorporated.

The problem is... I can't find that post with the step by step directions. And if I remember right, it was in some thread that was related, but not actually in one of these sticky threads.

Maybe if the person that typed in those steps sees this message, they can say "Its over here..." ????

Arrrggghhhh! It sucks when you know what you need is within grasp, but you can't quite grab it!!!