thanks i will try it again at a higher temp after your package arrives and i have installed it

The reason it looks like it spit down the centre is because i had to slice it in half using fusion 360 so i could get it
to fit on the build plate then i just glued it back together after i had soothed it.

Quote Originally Posted by jfkansas View Post
Those cracks are inevitable with ABS. Try running extruder a little hotter like 240, it helps layer adhesion.

Yes you are right the chamber is too cold, but running it at the right temp with this printer design isn't so good on the steppers.

Get yourself a cheap 3d pen. Esun makes one for about 30 bucks. Load up the same filament and inject plastic in the cracks before smoothing.

Splitting the model in half and printing in 2 pieces might help. Heck it split right down the middle anyway lol so might as well just plan for that then glue together.