Quote Originally Posted by Syd_Khaos View Post
Yea..that's rubbish.

The spool I have says 230c on it, but anything under 250c or so will gum up and jam the nozzle within a few mins of printing. Managed to get a small print done with it at 258c, and it was still globbing bad...gaps in the material. Can look at the print and see plain as day its still to cold.

Also I would NOT suggest trying to run this with the feed gears that come with the Qidi. They are rather aggressivly toothed. You need a small toothed feed gear or it will tear up the filament trying to feed it. This stuff is soft...its liek printing with ninja/semi-flex type material, though no where near as server as rubberized materials.
Hmm, maybe I will save trying that stuff out for a day when I want to totally dissassemble and rebuild the extruder...