Quote Originally Posted by toybuilder View Post
#1 depends on the printer to signal a start of a new job to the monitor. The monitor itself could support this feature. In fact, one could wire already wire a signal line to the RST pin on the expansion connector to do this.
#2 Width measurement would add complexity and cost; and would require software on the host software or firmware on the printer to do something useful with the information. I believe people at SD3D is trying to do something along those lines. On Sailfish-based firmware (FF's for example), there's no good way for dynamically compensating for filament diameter, as the x3g format specifies target positions in stepper counts.
#3 Would require additional hardware to connect to the network, which this device cannot do on its own. Your sensors.org idea could work, though.

The reason for the manual reset of the sensor is simply because there's no other way to tell the difference between an end of a print job and a failed print. So the Tunell monitor is designed to take a "start of job" signal in the form of the reset button. As I mentioned, with additional development (firmware on the Tunell monitor and the firmware or software of the device connected to the monitor), it would be possible to automate this process.

Thinking outside the box, brings features that add value to a product. Currently the cost verses the value of the product is to great for me, but again that's just me.

Outside the box thinking: (a few example)

1) Monitor machine wattage : If watts > X and filament stops, go into fault. No need for user intervention.
2) Add small display to simply display average filament width over distance. Yes it would require more technical expertise but it's a HUGE value to the product. If it was easy, then everyone would be doing it..
3) Maybe out of the scope of the device, but you must admit, it's main purpose is notification, and hence far more value over a simple tone.

I don't mind spending money on things, but there has to be value to the device, IMO currently this device does not have any more value then the $25 alternatives out there. Cheaper if you build one yourself.

I hope you keep working on it and improve and expand it's functionality, because I think the idea is sound.