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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Copperas Cove, Texas

    How's your Rostock build going? My Kossel is a derivative of yours, so perhaps I can be of assistance.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Christchurch, New Zealand
    I am a professional Mechanical Engineer based in Christchurch, New Zealand.

    I'm new to 3D printing after finishing building a Prusa Mendel i2 based repstrap several weeks ago. The frame is welded together from 1/2" steel square bar so it is nice and rigid. I've had heaps of fun making several downloaded models and some parts of my own design. My greatest success to date was modelling and printing a couple of replacement parts for the water pump of a vintage car for a friend. They have now been successfully used as consumable patterns for investment castings in brass. Fantastic results. See my printer running on youtube. I am also dabbling with laser/webcam 3D scanning at the moment with encouraging results.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    long island
    Hi all, my name is Dennis. I have building a prusa i3 from scratch for around 6 months in my spare time. I have had some issues, but am nearly ready to print. I have just started using this forum after a request from another board. Once finished, I plan on making some larger scale printers. I do however plan on building a delta printer as my next project, as originally I could not find the plastic kits needed. I plan on sharing my building experience with everyone, as I am a fan of open source. I hope to one day be able to use this to start a business making mostly science projects and perhaps assisting other members with their projects.

  4. #24
    Student BlackDragon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    St. Louis, MO
    Greetings to all. Just joined after talking with a few folks over at the RepRap forums.

    I'm new to the 3D/CNC machine world, but I have electronics and programming experience both professionally and as a hobby. Hope to learn a few things, and
    maybe help someone along the way.


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Columbus, OH
    Hey everyone!

    My name is Quentin Bowden. I built a Prusa i3 from Makerbot last month and am still tuning it so that I can start printing! I have been involved with 3D printing for a few months now and am looking forward to sharing my experiences with anyone looking for some help. I will see you all around the forum!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    My names is Sam Parks. I have built a Rostock style printer which at this moment in time is still in the programming stages, i hope people on here will be able to help with some issues i'm having and in the future i will be able to help others too! its always great being part of a community with so much creativity so i look forward to being part of it.


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Manitoba, Canada
    Hi! My name is Dianne and I am a retired designer and active model engineer. My background is over 40 years in manufacturing, electrical/electronics, microelectronic design, and communications.

    My current project is a 1" scale steam locomotive (from scratch) and I had reached the point where I needed patterns for the foundry for 7 cast iron parts (which I already had drafted in 2D CAD). Someone suggested having the patterns printed in 3D so I learned 3D drawing in SketchUp (and plan to learn 3D CAD) and bought a (EckerTech) RepRap kit. The kit arrived Monday and by Wednesday I had it finished. Thursday was learning Repetier-Host and getting the printer set up. After a few teething pains, I spent 11 hours on Friday printing 3D patterns. When I have resolved current problems with the hot end, there are a few more to do to finish the job.

  8. #28
    Student ceedy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Hi All ,

    New to this 3d printy stuff and new here ..

    Chris Is the name and can be found hiding in the UK , .. Retiring next year so going have plenty of time for fiddling..

    Presently straing at a pile of bits from my Junk box and decidiing how to stick them together to form an Extruder for the Home brew Printer thats gradually taking form ..

    Using a lot of inkjet/laser parts i've been gathering, but had to stick hand in pocket for the Arduino/ramps/Stepsticks. but all my stepper motors are working , Pity thay are all 7.5 degree ..

    But one is going inthe extruder ..

    So look out for t lots of dumb questions from me ...


    PS .. Actually only got here because I got an Email out of the Blue from Someone calling himself 3dprintman, reckons he's been made Head moderator on here ?? , but he's not in the User list ??

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Hello All,

    Welcome on board. I have been designing my own breed of 3D printer based on the knowledge gained from Reprap, so Lets share and grow. Its really exciting.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    my name is Ralf and I´m based in the center of Vienna.

    I was working with self made CNC milling machines before I started with Reprap last year. Right now I´m working with a Prusa i3XL and try to improve the design. For me it is important to be part of a community working on the same topic and have the possibility to contribute. Looking forward on many discussions on my favourite topic!

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