Quote Originally Posted by clough42 View Post
Is your x endstop triggering during the abl sequence? I think mine is, and I wonder if that's part of the cause.
I have mine doing a G28, which triggers the X and Y endstops when it homes. Then it does ABL (G29) and doesn't hit the X or Y endstops at all.

I wonder if it has anything to do with Safe Homing? When I do the G28, it homes X and Y, then goes out to what the firmware says is "X_MAX_LENGTH/2".

X_MAX_LENGTH = X_MAX_POS - X_MIN_POS...and I have X_MAX_POS = 245 (roughly 9.65" since my glass sheet is slightly smaller than my 10" bed) and X_MIN_POS = 0.

I should fiddle with those numbers and see if it helps...maybe tomorrow.