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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Eastern Colorado
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    So should we alter the original post?
    Only if you think there's a chance this code might eventually get pulled into the fork or "official" Marlin. As it is now, if someone wants to use it, they'll copy it in as it stands. My changes were for those who wanted to add the code, but not use it. A pretty small population I'd think.

    I should have noticed the missing ;. I'm in the middle of a print right now, so I'll test how it prints out the matrix later.
    Last edited by AbuMaia; 11-01-2014 at 12:44 PM.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    If you don't trust the mechanic's of your printer, shouldn't you be doing a G29 before every print? And if that is true, why would you add this code to your firmware?
    Nope, heat makes it flex and the parts expand and when it cools down, plus the movements of the bed while it is warm, makes the parts change ever so slightly.

    To see if your printer will work do a G28/G29 U 6 T with everything heated up. Now go do a print of something like normal. Let it all cool down and in 1 hour come back to a nice room temp printer. Now with the complete printer sitting there at room temp go heat up the hotend and bed then do a g28/g29 U 6 T and see if the numbers are exactly the same. If they are then you have a golden printer and should never need to do another G28/G29 again.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Eastern Colorado
    So you think nobody should ever use this code?

  4. #14
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AbuMaia View Post
    So you think nobody should ever use this code?
    No, of course not. (If this was directed at me???) I just don't know that I'm going to use it much because my printer isn't good enough to hold super tight tolerances across a big range of temperatures. But some people really do have machines that can benefit from this.

  5. #15
    Join Date
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    No, that was for DarkAlchemist.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    does the code behave as expected and do what people wanted? Can you add the semi-colon and invoke the EEPROM Print so we can check if the matrix prints OK ?
    Printer is now online.
    echo: External Reset
    echo: Last Updated: Nov 1 2014 10-20-14 13:55:13 | Author: (AbuMaia, MakerFarm Prusa i3v 8)
    Compiled: Nov 1 2014
    echo: Free Memory: 3486 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
    echo:Stored settings retrieved
    echo:Steps per unit:
    echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E900.00
    Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
    0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
    echo: M203 X250.00 Y250.00 Z2.00 E22.00
    echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
    echo: M201 X1000 Y1000 Z5 E1000
    echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
    echo: M204 S500.00 T500.00
    echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
    echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Z0.40 E5.00
    echo:Home offset (mm):
    echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
    echo:PID settings:
    echo: M301 P24.49 I2.34 D64.21
    echo:SD card ok
    SENDING:G29 n 4
    Eqn coefficients: a: 0.00 b: 0.00 d: 1.88
    planeNormal x: -0.00 y: -0.00 z: 1.00

    Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    0.999993 0.000000 0.003794
    -0.000001 1.000000 0.000163
    -0.003794 -0.000163 0.999993
    echo:endstops hit: Z:2.00
    echo:Settings Stored
    echo:Steps per unit:
    echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E900.00
    Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    0.999993 0.000000 0.003794
    -0.000001 1.000000 0.000163
    -0.003794 -0.000163 0.999993
    echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
    echo: M203 X250.00 Y250.00 Z2.00 E22.00
    echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
    echo: M201 X1000 Y1000 Z5 E1000
    echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
    echo: M204 S500.00 T500.00
    echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
    echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Z0.40 E5.00
    echo:Home offset (mm):
    echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
    echo:PID settings:
    echo: M301 P24.49 I2.34 D64.21
    Disconnected. (I powered off the printer here, then turned it back on and re-connected)
    Printer is now online.
    echo: External Reset
    echo: Last Updated: Nov 1 2014 10-20-14 13:55:13 | Author: (AbuMaia, MakerFarm Prusa i3v 8)
    Compiled: Nov 1 2014
    echo: Free Memory: 3486 PlannerBufferBytes: 1232
    echo:Stored settings retrieved
    echo:Steps per unit:
    echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E900.00
    Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    0.999993 0.000000 0.003794
    -0.000001 1.000000 0.000163
    -0.003794 -0.000163 0.999993
    echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
    echo: M203 X250.00 Y250.00 Z2.00 E22.00
    echo:Maximum Acceleration (mm/s2):
    echo: M201 X1000 Y1000 Z5 E1000
    echo:Acceleration: S=acceleration, T=retract acceleration
    echo: M204 S500.00 T500.00
    echo:Advanced variables: S=Min feedrate (mm/s), T=Min travel feedrate (mm/s), B=minimum segment time (ms), X=maximum XY jerk (mm/s), Z=maximum Z jerk (mm/s), E=maximum E jerk (mm/s)
    echo: M205 S0.00 T0.00 B20000 X20.00 Z0.40 E5.00
    echo:Home offset (mm):
    echo: M206 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00
    echo:PID settings:
    echo: M301 P24.49 I2.34 D64.21
    echo:SD card ok

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    No, of course not. (If this was directed at me???) I just don't know that I'm going to use it much because my printer isn't good enough to hold super tight tolerances across a big range of temperatures. But some people really do have machines that can benefit from this.
    Exactly what I was getting at, or trying to say, AbuMaia.

    For most people, not the lucky few, this routine will mean they can print in multiple colors in one session with a single extruder but once that printer cools down and you have to reheat it those people, the majority of the people that includes me, and apparently Roxy is among us, we *must* reissue the G28/G29 again.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Eastern Colorado
    I don't think anyone is saying this will be a one-time set-and-forget feature. Why do you think I went to find a way to run a G29 from the LCD on a standalone printer?

  9. #19
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Lone Star State
    Quote Originally Posted by AbuMaia View Post
    Printer is now online.
    echo:Stored settings retrieved
    echo:Steps per unit:
    echo: M92 X80.00 Y80.00 Z4000.00 E900.00
    Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    1.000000 0.000000 0.000000
    0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
    0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
    echo:Maximum feedrates (mm/s):
    echo: M203 X250.00 Y250.00 Z2.00 E22.00
    So I suspect we need a blank line (or one that just says echo after the last line of the matrix. But I kind of hate to add blank lines of output. Opinions anybody???

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Eastern Colorado
    Maybe take out one of the \n before Bed Level Correction Matrix, to get rid of that first blank line?

    edit: I forgot I already took one out. Taking out the second and remaining \n gives this:

    echo:Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    1.000000 0.000000 -0.000053
    -0.000000 1.000000 -0.000038
    0.000053 0.000038 1.000000

    I didn't like the 'echo:Bed' so I went back and put in a space before Bed, now it's:

    echo: Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    1.000000 0.000000 -0.000053
    -0.000000 1.000000 -0.000038
    0.000053 0.000038 1.000000
    Last edited by AbuMaia; 11-01-2014 at 08:06 PM.

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