Quote Originally Posted by Vanguard View Post
You certainly have a way with words, quite eloquent, and convincing. I am sure you are diplomat material. You complain about the way I have used the forum in a way that does not convey information, and then proceed to use two post to do so yourself. You definitely have picked a deserving name with "Rants" portion. Continue.
My complaint was that your post "Does not convey information"? No. That's a twisted premise. I pointed out how only a pathetic "moderator" would answer a QUESTION with a petty quibble on the definition of a word taken out of context, and then offer no relevant information to help answer the question asked.

My last 2 posts were not replies to questions. Further, I'm not trying to set the (hopefully high) leadership standards of a Moderator's position on a help forum - even if you're merely an unpaid volunteer. Again, I hope you're the exception to the rule of who qualifies as a "Moderator" on this site. Next time you're about to reply to a posted question, ask yourself: "Am I here to help facilitate a forum and membership, or to try to belittle and lecture participants because of personal hangups?"