My entry:

- What is the most interesting thing you have seen done with a 3D printer or 3D printing technology?

Everything. I'm absolutely amazed by new innovations being made by 3D printing. I am the most intrigued by bio-printing. The process aiding medical institutions to grow new skin, internal organs, bones, ect is absolutely incredible. The future is now!!!

- If you could build your dream 3D printer, what would it include and what would it do? Let your imagination run wild!

If I had the means, the brains, and the resources, I would build a 3D printer that reverses Einstein's theory of relativity and use light to create matter on the sub-atomic level!!! Ahahahaha! Ahem.. but, since I can't do that and it would take a large hadron colider and a couple thousand years at this time to make something the size of a grain of sugar, then I would have to do something a little more practical. I enjoy helping people and making life more convenient. So, I'd love to make a printer for a business that would allow people to model everything from car parts, food, nic-nacs to jewelry, tools, ect. I'd call the shop Printastic or Printacular and have a discount system for people to bring in recyclable items. It would cut labor and shipping costs and be a real fun place to have around!