Quote Originally Posted by Aztecphoenix View Post
I saw the webcam in your first post (Logitech C920) they don't do so well in low light situations, how do you plan to compensate?
That's a very good point for any webcam/peachy setup, I'm sure any webcam would make use of a bunch of light, and it is a good idea to keep any near-uv light out (its hard to be sure which wavelengths will cause unwanted curing).
But even if there is no light in there you should still be able to see where the laser is drawing.
If you do want some light in there, the filters that rylan mentioned in the other thread can surround a light bulb/led (or block openings to sun/room light) and protect the resin while still getting a huge amount of visible light.
I tested some resin in an open container surrounded by the orange stuff rylan mentioned, in (indirect) sunlight for a few days and it didn't cure at all. If you want to test other materials, I'd suggest trying that, as well as shining a 405nm laser through it.