when MAKING filament on an industrial scale, you run the filament making machine all the time, you don't stop when adding colourant.
But when he adds the yellow colourant, it invariably jams up the machine.
Basically whether you are making filament or printing with it, yellow is a bastard :-)

Oh yeah and those he3d glass build plates, if you happen to knock one onto a concrete floor - wow they sort of explode.
A bit like windscreen glass in a car, it just shatters into hundreds of tiny squarish pieces.

Spent the last 2 days clearing out my workshop, and that was one of the casualties.
So this was my workshop with 15 years of accumulated dead laptops, base units and other computer related crap and just plain crap. It's not a large room, basically a converted one car garage.

What came out and got taken away by a fantastic company from yorkshire: http://tmreuse.co.uk/
They collect your electronic waste - FREE OF CHARGE ! This is important as everyone else who's ever phoned me, wanted lots of money to do the same thing.

Some of the actual rubbish that went to the local tip:

Took me all of tuesday and a couple hours wednesday morning to clear the workshop. Think a complex 3 dimensional jigsaw puzzle that's taken 15 years to build.
Even found 3 vhs video recorders !
3 old dvd players and more redundant cables than you can shake a boa constrictor at :-)

Then all of wednesday to put the workshop back together - complete with my new shelves :-)
Given that the 15 or so base units had been acting as 'shelves/tables' - I had an awful lot of stuff with nowhere left to go, so couldn't do anything till I'd bought some shelves and put them up.
So I now have space for the BB to live once it's built :-)

More importantly, when i again start to accrue other peoples discarded computers, I've got a wonderful woman called Lorna to call who'll arrange for it to be taken away and recycled :-)
Interestingly they even send me a certificate to say that they have crushed the old harddrives (about 60) - presumably part of the data security act.
They also offer to crush them on site if you're particularly paranoid.

So while no actual work got done, last 2 days been pretty productive.