yeah get in quick.
It's a seriously engineered machine. And based on opensource, so if you should get any issues - easy to fix.
I also really like that the control panel is at the top of the machine. easy to see if you're standing up.

Oh yeah, the rubber feet fall off.
Glue them on :-) Or make better fitting feet lol
I've yet to get round to making better feet.

And yes john, I follow the onscreen levelling. But, all the knobs are i the middle of the plate. So the slightest variation translates to a larger difference at the edges of the plate.

I do a lot of bed levelling as things are being printed. With 4 points - it's dead easy. Hell any kind of levelling of a rectangular plate is simple with a screw at each corner.
Nope you will never convince me that a small triangle in the centre of a large rectangle is a good idea for levelling purposes.

With the delta the screws are set at the very edge of the plate and it's round, so makes sense.

But that is genuinely the only gripe I have with the machine and they were copying the replicator pro, so not really their fault :-)

Three points is the MINIMUM number required for levelling - not the best. Just the least you can get away with.