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  1. #181
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    just first layer at .48.
    rest was .24.
    looks great works.
    Had a few real thin spider threads. couple of minutes with a bendy straw and all four tracks work great. Got to make the rest of it now :-)

    The flashforge filament is really good.
    8 hours 49 minutes.

    Yep printed that at 150mm/s Good innit :-)
    Currently just started to print the other three parts. Going for a sedate 100mm/s and 0.16 layer height as they need to be a bit more precise.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 08-02-2017 at 09:48 AM.

  2. #182
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    that one is for the 9.5mm .38 cal balls.
    As i also have a some 6.35 mm balls I decided I could scale it down and print one for the smaller balls as well.
    That will print in under 5 hours for all 4 parts. I'll run that at 0.16 and 150mm/s overnight.

    Got about an hour left in the big one :-)

    I'll make videos when they're done.

    ha ha - works a treat.
    At first thought it was random which route (there are 4) the balls went down.
    But if you only use one ball - it goes down each route in turn. That's clever !
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 08-02-2017 at 02:17 PM.

  3. #183
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014

    The little one is 16% in.

    Very cool thing :-)

  4. #184
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    So alexa has developed a weird rattling sound. It's not apparently effecting the print quality.
    It's not coming from either of the fans - though it sounds like a rattling fan.

    (has epithany and holds finger against duct nozzle) Ah ha - it's the bloody nozzle. Right that's getting changed.
    Jolly good that's that sorted - just doing the small parts for the mini marble machine.
    All 4 runs work, just need the spiral and turner. Neither one liked being printdr at speed lol Redoing at 75mm/s
    Looking good so far :-)

    It's interesting that the 0.5mm nozzle hasn't appeared to effect my being able to print small detailed items in any way.

    I wonder how large a nozzle you could get away with using ?
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 08-03-2017 at 08:35 AM.

  5. #185
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    was thinking 1mm nozzle.
    Though you'd need to print slower so not sure whether you'd make any significant gains in time or not.
    And you'd risk slumpage.

    Found some bb's - how small can this thing go :-)
    We shall find out !

  6. #186
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    nah just a k200 clone.
    The extruder is in entirely the wrong place and the filament placement makes no sense at all given where the extruder is.
    The 4020 is interesting, but think I'll stick to the 3030. it's the cheapest I've yet seen.

    The marble machine - bb size is 64mm by 54 high. 2.5 inch diameter by just over 2 inches tall.
    Printing the spiral screw is going to be interesting.
    Assuming the track actually works :-) Slicing looks fine.

    Oh yeah if you print this - do the spiral screw by itself. Even little spiderweb bits of filament give it issues - at the smaller sizes anyway.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 08-04-2017 at 11:58 AM.

  7. #187
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    So one issue I do have with Alexa, she's overly friendly and easily distracted (In fact, exactly like her namesake lol) .
    ie: if she's printing from the sd-card and the usb cable is plugged in and you switch the computer on.
    She'll immediately start talking to the computer and completely forget she was supposed to be printing something.

    Note to self - if you intend to come back during a long print - unplug the sodding usb cable before turning the computer on !
    Had to start the bb marble machine again.
    The 50% that was printed looks great and works well. The smaller these things get, the better they seem to print lol

    I do a lot of short prints over usb, so it is usually plugged in. Sigh.

    On a completely different note.

    Nema 14 stepper motor next to it's big brother the ubiquitious nema 17.
    Cute little buggers these 14's
    130 grams versus the 17's 230.
    Perfect for a flying extruder.

    Was a bit concerned at first, as the shaft looked smaller - checked and it's same length and diameter. Which is a relief :-)

  8. #188
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Yep just need the hobbed bolt and grooved wheeley thing and I can start designing the extruder.
    what size those carbon fibre rods ?

  9. #189
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    you're settings are up the creek then.
    Even at lower settings - 75 is my lowest for alexa, she blitzes anything the rep clones can do.

    Have an odd issue at the moment.

    Trying to do a sequential print with bits for the bb marble run.
    First attempt looked like working but model didn't stick.
    So slowed first layer and lowered start point by 5 hundredths of a mil. Things I alter reguarly.
    It now starts printing at the top of the printer in mid air and the y (x or z - hell I don't know) carriage don't do nothing.

    Pick another file on the sd card - everything works fine.

    Going to restart s3d and see if that helps lol

    8mm internal or external ?

    Gears no problem - they'll be bendy, that's kind of the point of rubber filament :-)
    pet-g is very good for gears. What you want gears for ?

  10. #190
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    okay this gets even weirder.
    scrapped the sequential and used my normal one print profile via usb.

    Turns out it's printing the first layer at z=269, then goes down to the bed for the rest of the print. WTF ?????????
    Curious to see if the spiral prints anyway. But what the hell is going on.

    I changed nothing but start height and first layer speed. Which i do a lot.

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