Thanks - I actually sent an email to FlashForge support with pictures. I tried this same part a second time, but completely sliced in Replicatorg. That one had terrible vibration and I stopped it before the layer that started shifting like the first print. I then went back to MC and had a similar results with shifting layers, but not successive X shifts this time, just a big Y shift and then minor X-Y shift from layer to layer. With MC, I went back and looked at the .gocde file before converting it to .x3g and saw absolutely no X or Y coordinates outside the bounds of where they should be, so it's not the code doing it, it's the machine somehow, unless the .x3g translation is doing it but I can't inspect that, at least not easily. I hate that.

I know about GPX and have downloaded it, just haven't tried it yet. Looks like I still have many things to try.