Quote Originally Posted by cope413 View Post
I used this machine for the past month. Fastest FFF/FDM machine in the world? Not hardly.

32-bit electronics are great and definitely allow for faster print speeds because of vastly improved planning capabilities. This is far from the first machine to employ 32-bit boards.

It's a nice machine, and can print faster than most, if not all, FFF machines with 8-bit boards, but let's ease up with the superlatives and marketing hype.

Smoothie boards have been out for 18+ months. Anyone with a reprap and $150 could upgrade their machine and have, at the very least, equal print speeds.

And one more thing, every manufacturer needs to knock it off with the print/movement speed claims. They just get more and more ridiculous and simultaneously meaningless and confusing to customers.
300mm/sec print speeds?!
C'mon. If you think you can shove 12"/sec of filament through a 40w hot end with a .4mm nozzle accurately and precisely, then I have some beach front property in Arizona to sell you.

It's a nice machine, with a lot of nice features. Let's leave it at that.
are you able to measure the real max speed of the wasp turbo ? i mean only the travel speed not printing.