Quote Originally Posted by Syd_Khaos View Post
For those of you using S3D, do you use 'auto' or 'manual' Extrusion Width (right under the multiplier in extrusion settings)?

Does anyone have good guide for extruder calibration for version of sailfish on these Qidis?

I am for sure underextruding. Thing is I cranked the multiplier up to 1.12 and it did not seem to make much of a change at all.
Based on EVERYTHING I have seen/read about over/under extrusion if your multiplier needs more than 1-2% of adjustment then the feed stepper is out of calibration.

All the guides I can find are for reprap/prusa machines...not sailfish.

Is there any way to give firmware commands via SD card?? Or am I gonna have to plug in to the machine directly?
I have asked the question many times on calibrating the steppers for feed since in another forum that is the answer always given.

I keep getting told you don't need to. I finally read a blurb somewhere that stepper calibration in firmware is for Marlin based and that Sailfish takes care of it via software. I don't remember where I read it but it made sense.

Here is a good read.