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  1. #11
    Technologist dacb's Avatar
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    Aug 2014
    Edmonds, WA
    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    OK! That sort of worked. I think I got the memory leak update pushed up. And I think I got the Slic3r Plug-In uploaded. But I'm not sure they are 'Committed'. I can view them on GitHub's web page and it shows your name in the fork so I think they are there. But then going any further up the list of changes I get conflicts and can't resolve them. There isn't anything that is worth resolving... I just made a couple of changes to the Configuration.h file to test if I could sync and commit this morning.
    * The memory leak fix committed fine:
    * as did the Slic3r script:
    * It looks like you didn't do a git pull before starting the changes to Configuration.h and the termistor table stuff reverted:
    I dropped your changes to Configuration.h (too hard to discern from the log, sorry) and reverted to the type 1 thermistor:
    Maybe you can do a git pull and then restore you Configuration.h changes?
    * Finally, I noticed that your awesome missing free fix referenced the wrong variable name, I fixed this and it compiles great. I'm testing this on my machine right now. Commit:

    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    Well, it looks like Erik Zalm has made a couple of releases since you branched off. I was mostly wondering if I interpreted that right, and was curious why you didn't branch from a higher level.
    I've pulled all those and incorporated them so we are good to go there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
    If you publish a link I'll re-clone starting at that point? That would get rid of all my conflicts and let me start fresh.
    That is certainly a possibility. In your web browser, click the fork link on my repo and get started. Issue a pull request when you have something to incorporate. Personally, I'd rather we were all operating on the same repo vs. another merge set, but open source works many ways and a fork of a fork is absolutely fine. Let me know which way you choose.

    Thanks for all your hard work.
    Last edited by dacb; 09-28-2014 at 06:21 PM. Reason: Clarity in formatting and thanks.

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