So I am working on bed leveling some more. I am having problems with larger prints adhering to the build plate. I have completed the standard g29 with adjustment to make all three x,y,z points within 0.02 min-max. I then did the same ( really it was ok after the g29's) with G32 S2 which calculates and stores the z-plane. The next step in the process is to generate a bed height map (tools-> Bed height Map in repetier host), then generate a distortion correction map using G33 ( video shows g29, but this was replaced by g33 in firmware 92.8 ). So the generating the map went ok (except for a glitch? in the first point (still need to understand that)) but when I went to do the G33, it was unrecognized command. Apparently, the firmware for the K200 choose not to compile it in.
Now that leaves me trying to get the exact configuration.h file used to generate the existing code loaded, so I can make a simple modification.

I guess the point of all this is 3 fold:
1- Do you have a contact for Wendy at reprapmall (?) so I can contact her and request this information?
2- Do you happen to have this? I have looked on facebook -. K200 group, but not sure what the origin of the files are.
3- Any other thoughts? how 'smooth, distortion free' is thee print bite? Ever run the bed height tool?

My output of the bed height tool:
 X:        -55.00    -27.50    0.00    27.50    55.00
y:55.00        79.49    79.94    79.89    79.85    79.84
y:27.50        79.79    79.81    79.76    79.71    79.73
y:0.00        79.73    79.73    79.74    79.74    79.74
y:-27.50    79.84    79.77    79.81    79.87    79.89
y:-55.00    50.26    80.11    80.14    80.19    80.16