pla is vastly underrated, I've had bird feeders and poop bag dispensers outside all year round for at least 3 years, with no noticeable degradation.

It's also the hardest of the currently available materials, so better suited for most printer parts than abs.

I still find it hard to believe that cheap decent desktop printers have only been around for 5 years (when the replicator clones started to flood out of china). When you look at how fast the industry has grown and the plethora of new materials coming out every month, it's amazing.

One of the cutest printers I saw at tct was the new mini-delta from monoprice. Only 120x110 volume, but full featured and small enough to take with you anywhere. You could probably rig it to run from a decent sized power bank or 12volt lithium battery. 90% of the stuff I print regularly would fit in that build volume.

They reckon it'll retail in the uk for around £160.
Not even sure it's worth building one for that :-)