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  1. #461
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    Jul 2017
    Best if they can finish it. Maybe a pint or two at the pub. Anyway, cutting oil, go slow, and back out often to clear debris. More oil. I don't do it often, but that's what works for me. Excited to see you working on it again. Definitely not DESKTOP.
    I'm ready to try some flex filament.
    Do you worry about moisture in your filament? Do anything to remedy it?

    Can't say enough good things about PrintBite. I still smile when the print just pops off. Thanks for that pointer.

  2. #462
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    alas I showed darren and he said 'you need an engineering firm for that'.
    Apparently even though it says engineering in their frim title - they don't have any of the right gear.
    Don't even have a clamp for their pillar drill that will hold it in place.
    His idea was a centre punch and a big hammer.
    So I passed :-)

    So I think I might, knock the bit off that's sticking out of the hole with a hammer and figure out some way to clamp it so i can have a go with my pillar drill (change it to it's slowest speed) and a titanium nitride coated drill bit.
    Logical - to my way of thinking - would be to start with a very small drill and work my way up.
    Failing that, every time I see these things on a shopping channel I'm tempted to buy them:
    probably not as good as they claim. But I only want it for the one job :-)
    Bugger it - bought a 4.5mm bit. If I hurt it, they say they'll send me another one. So we'll see :-)
    Figure at £5.99 it's worth a punt. Cheaper than postage would be on another strut anyway.

    I reckon I can clamp the strut in my workbench and put the drill on that with the head offset .
    Should be fun lol
    I'll have another go at cleaning the aluminium out of the grooves of the other two threading bits and use oil :-)

    Oh yeah my big laser engraver arrived yesterday. 30x40cm. Has a sort of user manual, but no build instructions or links to software, instructions etc.

    On the postiive side. There was no customs form or value on the parcel, so no import tax. I think it's been shipped to the uk in a container, massively undervalued and then delivered with hermes - a budget uk delivery firm who clearly don't ask daft questions like: 'you pay import tax on this? '.
    So that's good :-)
    Did find a build video on youtube which looks like the same kit. Very strange way of using the belts to move stuff. Not something I would ever have worked out for myself in a million years.

    What I really need is work, running out of money :-(
    I do have a shed full of tropical hardwood (that's not an exaggeration) and a bunch of woodworking gear. So custom engraved plaques, mats coasters etc are definitely in the future.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 04-18-2018 at 06:01 AM.

  3. #463
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I hope you get some work. Need that money to pay essentials, then a few toys. Are you skilled in woodworking, kool if you are. Good money in that. Also consider cabinet making.
    Back to the broken tap. Consider reverse left hand drills bits. They will provide some torque to help remove the tap as you are drilling. Yes, you instinct is correct. Start with making a small flat spot on the break as close to the center as you can. Then take a sharp punch to make a small indentation to hold the drill bit from wondering. Then us a small bit to drill a hole and work you way up. Use that cutting oil to keep your bit sharp. If you use easy-outs, be careful as that have a habit of snapping also. Good luck.

  4. #464
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    3mm bungee cord arrived today.
    Going to be perfect for the suspended extruder.

    I still don't know why it needs to be elasticated. But as every suspended large delta I've seen has an extrduer suspended by elasticat material. I guess it's been tested and proven a good idea.

    Even more reason I think to beef up the belts as th extruer bouncing around has to put extra stress on the carriages and belts.
    You'd think anyway.

    Currently waiting for 50 tennis balls to arrive so I can go test my new slinging target.
    Also invented a tennis ball picker upperer.
    The flexible tennis ball valve was printed with flexible pla on the he3d k200.

    Think the flexbile socket brackets were done partly on the he3d and partly on the flashforge before it got ill.

  5. #465
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    So CA, how is your BB going? We need a progress report. ;-)

  6. #466
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    haven't got round to buying a new horizontal strut yet. Currently spending most time on the laser engraving.
    Also come to the conclusion that I need to buy pre-threaded struts.

    Plus it's bloody hot in my workshop.
    It's not abandoned - i could really have done with it for a mini-itx case that I've had to break down into 4 parts.
    Plus money's been tight recently as well.

    I need to get moving on the struts - probably need 2.
    it's 28c in my workshop and even with a big fan blowing on me - there's only so much you can take lol

  7. #467
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    CA, are you still working on BB? Any progress?

  8. #468
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    CA, Any hard lessons I should learn from you BB adventure. I am thinking of building a 300 mm build plate diameter delta ( not quite as tall at yours.)

  9. #469
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    yes - get the aluminium extrusion pre - threaded by the suppliers.
    The build kind of ground to a halt when i broke the threading bit.
    Then maneged to strip the threads on another strut and ran out of money to get new - pre threaded struts.
    Plus since then I've been messing about with the ctc 13 pro b.
    Not fully operational yet - as the print bed isn't actually affixed to the print frame in any useful or solid way (how it's designed). Basically if you move the printer - at all, it goes out of calibration. I'm going to bolt the whole thing to a rigid aluminium base - which will sort that issue out.

    So still learning stuff that will all go into the BB when I recommence it's build.

    What i would say is make your build plate larger.
    The extra cost is minimal, and a 350mm round plate will accomodate a 250mm square. I know this as I spotted the files recently :-)
    Once I've eventually got the top and bottom frames made the rest should be pretty quick.
    I've got all the bits, even some 3mm bungee cord for the suspended extruder.
    I keep seeing ideas at printer show I can incorporate :-)

    Given how cheap a large format printer can now be had - the original idea behind the bb is probably not going to work. So it's been relegated to a hobby build.

    Quick update on the he3d k200.
    After a brief halt last year when the hotend ptfe tune broke in situ - still no idea how that happened. And a wee bit of hassle replacing it - she's now back to full working order and still my workhorse machine.
    Plus I now have a lot of ptfe tubing for the future :-)
    And given how many moulds she's knocked out, I do believe she's actually paid for herself now as well :-)

    She's Still on original board and firmware, hotend and extruder - why change what works so well ?
    Pretty much all the problems I see on the facebook groups are from people who have changed stuff - for no logical reason I can see - and have caused their own problems.

    I did have adhesion issues with the printbite - but have now upped the bed temp to 65c - and it's sticking better than ever.
    One thing I love is that she gets to temp reasonably quick - but once there the temps are nailed down. I might get a few tenths of a degree wobble on the extruder, but the bed temp is ALWAYS rock solid.

    Just goes to show if you take the time to set a cheap printyer up properly and make the right mods - it#ll pay you back in spades :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 02-01-2019 at 06:27 AM.

  10. #470
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Thanks CA. Yeah, Still love the K200. Its printing like a champ. I wonder why so many folks don't like it. Probably can set it up correctly. I had gotten a clone E3D a while back ( like last year ) and designed / modified the effector to use it, dual part cooling fans and optical sensor probe. Waited a long time to install, but finally had a major molten blob on my print head, so the opportunity presented itself. I have to say, there is marginal improvement vs the stock setup. I do like the auto probing / distortion correction. Need ( well could use) a few improvements to my design but over all, i'm happy. Finally re-tried PETG ( was not happy with original results last year, but now I have it dialed in. TPU is next.
    Yeah, the bigger delta build is a hobby type build, I just wanted a bigger build surface area. Your recommended 350mm is huge. I love watching the delta do its think. Mesmerizing. I may just take the easy rout and get a Creality CR-10 or Tevo Tornado. Build are I want, Good price, large support group. I keep hearing the Borg say "you will be assimilated; resistance is futile" Ehhh, whats the fun in that.

    Wonder whats up with your PrintBite. Mine is still working great, even at 50*, but you use it more than me. Wonder if it eventually goes bad. May want to contact the manufacturer. I still highly recommend it, thanks for pointing me to it.

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