So I'm on a speed kick. Loving this Surreal transparent pla.
Currently still printing spools - I've got a LOT of samples from the last 2 tct shows - got it down to 1 hour 20 by running at 150mm/s and 0.3 layer height.

So what with s3d adjustments, it's not actually printing that much faster. sooo, can I knock one of these out at 150 and 0.4mm ?
That would make it around an hour.
OR maybe 0.3 at 200mm/s !
Hmm, hell why not lol
(runs slicer)
150 at 0.4 is a minute faster than 0.3 at 200.
So we'll try that first :-)

These things don't have to look nice or be smooth. Just work :-)
Made the filament holes 4mm, so even with fast sloppy printing they're still large enough for a good fit.