Quote Originally Posted by gddeen View Post
I'm using RC6 4/20/16 ... I had configured auto bed leveling on that but it doesn't DO anything.
I switched that to Mesh Bed Leveling with a Z Stop. (You have to level it with a piece of paper.
It ignores the Z-probe for G29 S1 or S2.) And somehow M420 S1 has to actually enable it???
It doesn't really 'say' in the code. (firmware. One is supposed to know.)
BUT, RC6 lowers the probe and smashes it into the bed (ignoring the z-probe) with a G28 X Y:G28 Z
Huh. That's weird.

Here's the Configuration.h file I'm using with RC3 on my 12".


If you use this, check the thermistor settings. I'm running an industrial silicone heater and some other odd stuff.

And this is my start GCODE:

M80  ; power on
M42 P5 S255 ; light on
M190 S[first_layer_bed_temperature] ; wait for bed to heat up
M104 S[first_layer_temperature_0] T0 ; start heating T0
M104 S[first_layer_temperature_1] T1 ; start heating T1
G1 Z15 F120 ; lift nozzle
G28 ; home X and Y axes
G29 ; auto bed level
G1 X313 Y12 F15000 ; move to side
G1 Z0 ; Level for wipe
M109 S[first_layer_temperature_0] T0 ; wait for heat
M109 S[first_layer_temperature_1] T1 ; wait for heat
G90 ; absolute
T0 ; extruder 0
G92 E0
G1 E12 F50 ; extrude
G1 X0 F15000 ; wipe
G1 Y15 ; slightly forward so other wipe won't overlap
T1 ; extruder 1
G92 E0 ; reset extrude
G1 X0 E12 F50 ; extrude
G1 X250 F15000 ; wipe