Quote Originally Posted by RobH2 View Post
If it weren't sad that would be funny. KissSlicer says 0.9 meters. That's about right. Maybe that's a clue to what's going on. If the extruder is trying to extrude 46 meters and print that fast maybe the extruder gear is moving but so slowly that I'm not detecting it visually? Sound like a Star Trek episode.
Actually... If you try to make the stepper motors move faster than they can... They just sit there. And that is very fast from the time and length it claims.

And because you can save the Cura GCode and use that in Pronterface... It is the Pronterface interface to Slicer that seems to be the issue.

I always run Slicer separate from PronterFace. But I'm pretty sure Slicer is using bad numbers. I don't think this has anything to do with your Configuration.h file.