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  1. #1

    Navy Team 3D Prints Functional Part for Fleet

    A Navy team has just printed out one of their first functional 3D printed parts at a base in Maryland. A small team was given the task of 3D printing a retainer for a gun hoist adapter, and they set out over several days, beginning from scratch. Taking notes on everything, the team began with calibration, choice of material, orientation, testing, failing, more testing, and then finally with success they were able not only to see what they created go into use but also to save the documentation for the next project. The design team sees that they will be able to save time in their next project thanks to the notes they took on this one. They were also able to train more junior team members. Read more at

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    three days seems llike a long time. but then if you have to write it up as well lol
    Good to see any national forces actively trying to save money :thumb:

    Even more impressive, they used nylon on an open buildplate printer.

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