I got my FTD Snow White resin last Tuesday and promptly did a print.
The resin was described as "low odor" and it certainly was less scented than either of the Makerjuice resins (I can't be sure what the MJ resins are suppose to smell like when new). It is also thicker than the MJ resins. During the print there was one square in the base where the resin did not want to go through and it just happened to be in the middle of my print. Figures.

This print was not a success HOWEVER, it did cure properly under the UV lamp where the MakerJuice I have wasn't.
All the recalibrations that I did have proved a success! What I did get printed at the correct size. I have an 8.2mm hole in one part of the model and with my caliper, it measured 8mm.
For this resin, I will need to slow the laser draw speed down from 100mm/s to as low as 50mm/s and crank the laser power from 65% to maybe 100%.

I made a new gallery for my FTD prints:

@Rylan: Did you test FTD resins? If so, what settings did you use?? Where there any other items of interest that you discovered with the FTD resins?

My next steps will be to:
-Try new Speed and Laser settings for the FTD resins
-Use the test models included in the Peachy Software to test the above settings until I get them dialed in
-Buy some new MakerJuice resin too

If anyone has seen any details on the forum of what settings to use for the FTD resins , PLEASE let me know !