Quote Originally Posted by BLKKROW View Post

However, the setup on the Pegasus is a lot less, you don't have to build motor mounts and multiple layers of plywood to create a frame.

At least in my experience, the "plywood" based machines had a hard time holding adjustments over time spans in months or years. That seems (so far) to be less of an issue with the Pegasus versions.

No matter which printer you dig into, you will find people that have slicing issues. We all are using basically the same set of programs and seeing the same issues with them. Since most of us like *free* software (I certainly do), that's all a little bit silly. This is indeed a world where free does not encourage people to keep working on the code base. Bugs hang around for a long time. Getting an un-paid team organized and working together over a period of years is a very tough proposition. Much of the free software (Apache, Linux etc) that is successful is actually paid software that is given away. We don't have the kind of money in the 3d printer space to fund at those sort of levels.
