Quote Originally Posted by Mjolinor View Post
This is likely to be an effect from cheap stepper motors or microstepping set too high. With cheap steppers the angle tends to vary a small amount, this is exactly what you pay for with expensive steppers, the angle per step will be more accurate.
The steppers i have are: Wantai 42BYGHW811

Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
that's a godawful print anyway you look at it.
Do you have print area cooling ?
That's does look like uncooled pla printed too fast.

The layers are either all misaligned or your horizontal alignment is out as well.
I checked horizontal alignment before starting the print, this was ok.

Just one question, how do you explain these suggestions when this problem exclusively occurs at the first layer of a sidewall of a hole in the print? Wouldnt the suggested issues be more regular, like at every Z-hop instead of just that layer?