You know, I like Cura too. I was using Slic3r in Pronterface and kept coming back to the slicers that let me see my part in 3d. I just didn't like only seeing the top outline in Slic3r. I bounce between Cura and Kisslicer. The problem with Kisslicer is you have to print from a media card. It does not directly connect to the printer. I like the manual overrides in Pronterface the best. I'd love to see a mashup of Pronterface, Cura and Kisslicer. That might just be the perfect slicer. I see that Adobe and Autodesk (duh) are getting into the slicing world. They'll both probably come out with one that requires a yearly maintenance fee of $500 to use it

I haven't tried any 50mm/s prints yet. Maybe I will now that I know you are getting decent results. I've see posts of people who print at 90 and 100mm/s (not with our Prusa's). I don't think our machines will do that. I do believe that there are some limitations to our rigs but not in regards to quality of the print. I'm thrilled with the print quality I get. I'll now see if I can print faster since you seem to be doing it ok.