Quote Originally Posted by JSensebe View Post
I started out with PLA and had no trouble with it whatsoever. I had a little trouble with the ABS when I switched over, but I figured out the problem and that's been pretty smooth ever since. My choice comes down to the properties I want the part to have.

I've removed the 3M tape from the build plate and replaced it with that old standby, blue painter's tape. My first print warped a bit on the bottom, but I didn't use glue stick or anything. It was a mechanical test print and the bottom didn't matter much, and it adhered well enough that it didn't screw up the whole print, so I was happy, but I'll use the glue stick next time.
I am about to give painters tape a try myself.
The PVC sticker I have on my glass right now is VERY worn out, and I'm broke as a joke right now.

Have yall seen this 'wolfbite' stuff? Guess 3D printing is mainstream now....if people are selling snakeoil for it lmfao!!