Quote Originally Posted by HighlyAdaptive View Post
It seems like a good printer but why do you need one with such a large build volume? Especially since you are a beginner. I would recommend a printer that is more well known so if you run into problems there will be a lot more documentation. You may want to look into printrbot or flashforge. But, if you want the morgan mega go with it!
Thanks for replying! Im looking at a large build volume, as some items like a lamp shade/chandelier which would be the main lightsource for a room, could often be around 40cm x 40cm x 40cm. If I were to do custom table lamps, I could easily fit two or three of them on the same bed as well.

I understand what you say as well about the more well known companies/printers. It would make it easier probably if there was a lot more documentation on this printer... food for thought!