Printer arrived and I had a bent rod that controls Y and it is so bent that it makes the plastic bearing holders flex (put you hand on it and I would say about 3mm of flex back and forth) and makes popping sounds when printing. Qidi said that the bent rod would not make the popping sounds I video'd for them but with how bent it is and the holders themselves flexing as it turns no amount of oil will help this.

So, I need to pull the entire machine apart starting on the right hand side because the left hand side is a riveted Y endstop holder that will not allow me to drop the assembly so I can remove it. Once I can get this assembly out I need to replace that rod as prints are alright but Y does shift sometimes depending. Emily is sending me a replacement rod (I hope this one isn't bent) via DHL so should arrive in 4 days. Until I replace the faulty rod I can't really print on it as it is flexing the plastic holders pretty badly. I have about 10 hours of print on it (4 things I printed to diagnose with Emily) and it is only getting worse as the first hour it wasn't so bad.