Hi Tintalala. Yep, well on my way to a mid life crisis... Not sure if I buy a sports car or start sleeping with younger woman...

The printed spool holder was this one: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:295102 Printed at 65% infill initially in PLA, but I think I will re-do in ABS once I am happy with the bed adhesion. It is heavier and not as strong as the one supplied, but I like the design and the spool nuts are good. I turned the piece through 180, as it reduced the amount of support required and moved the supports well clear of the threads - to make clean up easier.

I used to use Repetier and Slic3r with the Makibox, but S3D is leagues ahead. It slices much faster and supports can be manipulated and moved as required. I have already tried some 2 colour printing - a simple dice and that worked very well.

The beast is in bits at the moment, as I fit a new thermistor to the bed. It will be back in business by the weekend though