That is good to hear! (Will investigate as to whether EEPROM_SETTINGS needs to be set for that particular thing)

FWIW..., I just completed the first print with 1.1.0RCBugFix..., and it worked perfectly, first time.

For anybody following this:

Even though 'SDSUPPORT" isn't defined in the Makerfarm version of the code, be sure to set it if you need the SD card to work.

Nit: I'm not sure this is exactly a bug..., or an "artifact"..., but it seems a little odd that the "notification" line at the bottom of the standard (non-"Graphical") LCD shows "Heating Bed", even when a job has completed and all heating has been shut off.

OK..., now off to the Makerfarm site to order the aluminum bed (and to other places to order the things needed to switch to a solid state relay so as to enable PWM on the heated bed).

Again..., thx Roxy and to everyone else for the work on Marlin. -- John

Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
Yes, the Manual Bed Level already saves the mesh to EEPROM. But it isn't set up to do a high resolution matrix right now.