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  1. #1

    print doesn't separate from base

    I am printing small and often delicate models using Hatchbox ABS brown filament. Printing at 265ºC but have tried lower temps as well. The model doesn't separate from the raft. I have not had this problem with PLA. I was thinking the temperature was too hot but when I reduce it (2 or 3º increments) it either doesn't print out completely or it still doesn't separate. I am very new to this and I am using an M3D printer to make 1:48 scale furniture. Have settings for lowest fill. What else can I try?
    Last edited by chaotic1; 03-06-2016 at 01:37 PM. Reason: change word for clarity

  2. #2
    Technologist 3dex ltd's Avatar
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    ABS doesn't separate from a raft as well as PLA due to the nature of the plastic.

    My instinct would have been a lower temperature but you say you have already tried this. What is your bed temperature at?

  3. #3
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    There is no heat bed on a M3D, I think.

    Have you enclosed your printer ? I think it would be quite easy given its design. I'm not an ABS specialist, but it would perhaps allow you to print at lower temps. This seems hot. I also think that printing that hot WILL cause issues on that printer : it was not designed for that kind of continuous temps.

    Have you tried printing without a raft or using PLA or PET instead ?

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