Quote Originally Posted by clough42 View Post
Fans work wonders with PLA. For ABS, you have to be very careful. They can help with overhangs and bridging, and they're great if you have a tall part with very small layers. For these parts, the hot end just hovers over the tower, radiating heat into it and the plastic doesn't really solidify, causing a "Dr. Seuss" effect. But air blowing on ABS prints can also cause serious problems with warping and bed adhesion. This is why slicers usually allow you to keep the fan off for the first few layers, but even this is sometimes not enough.

A fan is pure magic for ABS bridging, though. Here's an example of 200mm bridges in ABS on a MakerFarm printer. The filament sags at first, then pulls taut as the fan cools and shrinks it.

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