Hey just found your message, plz let me know your settings, I also have the pursa 12" and am very interested in your findings

Quote Originally Posted by walkercreations View Post
I know this is the forum for MakerFarm equipment and this relates to my experience with my MakerFarm 12" i3v. I've had my printer now since mid January 2015 and have struggled with it constantly as far as getting parts that either A. Looked Presentable or B. Was within measurable tolerance of the original designed printed piece. I was struggling with the looks of the parts as well as measured holes and what not. I was really beginning to think that it was a helpless cause achieving both A and or B. Until..someone suggested I try a different Slicer program. I had been using Slic3r on the recommendation of Colin at MakerFarm. For what it is, Slic3r is okay. It does its job but leaves a few things left to be desired as far as features. I recently started using Kisslicer and it is like someone flipped a switch on my printer and it became a whole new machine. My parts started coming out more accurate and looked more like what I thought the finished products should be. I found the wonderful awesomeness of the Flow Control Tweak in Kisslicer and am really making good progress on my prints. I guess my point to this post is that if anyone who has a MakerFarm printer is struggling like I did, disappointed, or not happy, I recommend giving Kisslicer a try. It really worked for me. I would be more than happy to share what settings I have come up with for the latest version.