NEW PROBLEMS!!!! so not excited

I went thru and did all calibrations again , everything seemed fine except my diagnol rod length (for dishing) went from like 240 to 640 .... that normal? Horizontal length had to be increased too , its now at 180 from 140 ish (dont remember exactly)
I also did the extruder calibration as well. Esteps went from 147 to 165. My Max Z went from 350 to 302 , then down to 268 and seems to steadily be decreasing.... but this could be because the heating and cooling of the extruder , or the stupid auto level mickey mouse rig of an effector i have.

The real problem that i seem to have is it now tries to print everything in micro. When I load the calibration tool to print , I slice it ... even in the preview window it still shows that its going to print out close to my max bed size , but once printing starts it prints it 1/4 what it is supposed to. I loaded the calibration cubes and it tried to print those so small they would have fit on a nickel, with a 4 wrap skirt. So either I inadvertly built a shrink machine or I screwed up somewhere.