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  1. #1

    new to 3D printing, help please

    Hey guys,

    I just got my printer this week and I've done everything that I could to get the printer to work but I'm running into issues with the prints. I'm constantly getting the prints to come off the rafts and every time I try to calibrate the bed it's never consistent with the extrusion. I've taken my calipers to the test print, adjusted accordingly to have it to go to .4mm but it changes every which way possible.

    I'm running it on a vista OS system so I'm thinking it may be it but any support would be great.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Brummen, Netherlands
    Make of 3D printer?
    Type of filament?
    Dimensions of object?
    Heated bed and nozzle temperatures?
    Optional: picture?

    Without the above there is not much help we can give you....

  3. #3
    Sorry, it's a M3D Printer with PLA white pearl filament, and the objects are varied in size. The bed is not head and the temperature is set to 215 as per the instructions and preset.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Brummen, Netherlands
    OK, that clarifies some issues.

    I'm constantly getting the prints to come off the rafts
    You are printing on a raft which does stick to the bed, but the object detaches from the raft during the printing? Is this correct? Can you upload a picture?

  5. #5
    Staff Engineer LambdaFF's Avatar
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    France, Aix en Provence
    Hi Dale, I have to agree with the above : post a few pictures, take the time to describe and provide side information.

    Also, why do you say the bed is not consistent with extrusion ? This is not clear to me. And what do you mean you measured it to go to 0,4mm ?

    As things are, it could be a number of things.

    For instance, have you looked at your print while it was being done ? If so, how did it fail ?
    - the hotend bumped into overflow material and the raft link to the printed object failed. (in which case you should hear a rapping sound several times before).
    - the printed object warped and the hotend bumped into it and the raft link to the printed object failed. (in which case you should hear a rapping sound several times before).
    - the raft link to the printed object was too weak due to under extrusion (you should be able to see if the object was firmly held or not)

    Why do you use raft ? the bed is not flat / level ? I personnally seldom do rafts if at all.

    This may have little to do with your issue, but have a look at this, it may help you describe your issue to us.

  6. #6
    When I say it's not consistent for a border test, I mean it's not consistent. If I tell it to reduce the height, it doesn't reduce or it will reduce just not the amount I'm wanting. The bed is level as I've taken a digital and torpedo level to both surface and bed. I'm hearing some clicking when it goes over the prints but the company says it's normal to hear it according to the users guide. So it's likely hitting the prints but since I can't get the calibration to be consistent.

    I've managed to get a batarang from batman beyond printed but the material curls from the bed just ever so slightly. I'm doing up a small print right now and will post pictures of everything once it's done.
    Last edited by DaleSabers; 11-02-2015 at 07:42 AM.

  7. #7
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Alibert View Post
    Make of 3D printer?
    Type of filament?
    Dimensions of object?
    Heated bed and nozzle temperatures?
    Optional: picture?

    Without the above there is not much help we can give you....
    lmao - check the forum section before asking what printer :-)

    Sounds like the bed material isn't as sticky to pla as it should be.
    So you're getting a slight warp. Cheap pla will warp a bit.

    Try rubbing a gluestick over it - pla loves pv-alcohol (the main active adhesive in glue sticks)
    That will let the pla stick much better to the bed.
    A couple layers should do to start.

    I usually run the stick over the bed before a print and after removing one from the bed - that tidies up any gaps from pva sticking to the print.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Brummen, Netherlands
    If I interpret the post correctly he does not have issues with the first layer sticking to the bed, but with the object delaminating off the raft..... ?

  9. #9
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    won't need a raft if he uses gluestick :-)

  10. #10
    I am having the same issue with the pearl white filament. I also have the Onyx Black filament but that one works perfectly. This is what happens with the pearl white. I have tried to lower and raise the temperature but I have yet to have a successful print with the white. 20160102_083015.jpg

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