Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
If you want to play with a Core-XY machine, go for it! But I can tell you that you will most certainly be on a the 'Road less traveled'. There was an obvious bug in the Marlin Core-XY code and nobody found it for months. The reason is hardly anybody is doing anything with Core-XY.

If you really want to do it, go for it. But if you think it is a well supported platform, well... Think again!
I agree that it's less of a mainstream concept than others, but I wouldn't say its not well supported. Smoothieware/Smoothieboards, RepRap Duet and other 'next generation' controllers have much better support for coreXY then what marlin and your standards RAMPS does. There's a great deal of support over on the RepRap forums as well. I think 2016 is when we will see a surge of coreXY machines. Airwolf3D, Smartrap and others are already bringing machines to the market