Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
Do you have the original firmware? Or at least the original Configuration.h file? Can you go to the MakerFarm site and get the 'correct' firmware because if you can, that is going to be much easier than trying to get a fresh copy of Marlin tuned for your printer.
No, I was a total bonehead and failed to make a copy of the original Configuration.h file. I was trying to unlock some of the extra features available though the LCD interface to better calibrate my printer and managed to completely screw things up due to my own ignorance; after a few minutes of panic self berating and some Google searches I found and downloaded the Marlin_RAMPS_EPCOS_138v.zip from Makerfarm, and installed it without any wierdness. When I attempted to run a test print the place under Main under the Card Menu that shows the files on the card was blank even though there were files on the SD card. Is there another/different firmware? Or would I be better served to email Colin?

Thank you