Quote Originally Posted by Starlord View Post
I was looking to see what I could find on this. At first I thought the phone would be controlling the printer. But it appears they are claiming that they are using the phone as a DLP. This seems unlikely. Phone screens do not project an image. And the intensity of the light would not be enough to do anything. Also in one article it claimed to use a polarizing filter to "bend the light going to the side.????? That is not what a polarizer does. It would just reduce the amount of light. Plus they never show it working. Looks like a scam to me.

I believe the iBox Nano uses a standard LCD with high contrast images to project each layer, so I don't think it's outside the realm of possibilities, but it does raise the question, if it does indeed work this way, how does a screen protector or dirty/smudged screens affect the print quality, and also, wouldn't the physical size of the phone's display dictate its build volume?