This was exactly my issue between not powering down properly and not running the cooling fan constantly. I ended up wiring the fan directly to the 12v coming straight from the power supply instead of my Rumba board. I had to disassemble the whole hot end to unclog it and drilled it out of the heat break to free it all out. :/ pain in the arse

Also I am having issues with my prints now that I "actually" am running directly off simplify 3d.

I misinformed you, printbus. I was using the gcode from slic3r that I created awhile back not the gcode from simplify3d like I had said.
I am not sure why but It was using high temps of 230 / 70 and working alot better then what its set now to by default for the pla when printing from simplify3d
Now that I am actually using simplify3d my prints wont even stick to the board its acting weird and cloging... also its set by default to 190 / 60 which sounds correct for pla, but like i said not working at all for my prints