Quote Originally Posted by dunginhawk View Post
I will be the first, or 10,000th person to say HELL YES to the flashforge creator pro. It was my 2nd printer, and is amazing. The quality I get out of that printer is amazing. Combined with my multiple geckotek build plates for different materials, its the perfect printer. If they had one with double the build size, id own one of those.

THe makerfarm prusa i3v 12" was my third printer (still own it) and has been a BIG workhorse for me. its a kit, but easier than the rostock max v2 (my first printer) to put together. If you tinker enough, and mod it you can get some great quality prints from it. I added auto bed leveling, additional layer fans, a solid state relay and a metal bed to help. Its a great printer for the money.

Now my fourth printer which I am just starting to play with. (in fact its printing the torture test right now, and by all accounts its KILLIN IT) is the Lulzbot taz 5. Ive decided to re invest 1/4 of my profits for print jobs back in to upgrading my printers. My latest job paid well, so in comes the taz. All indications are that this thing is simply amazing.

What's your latest job?? XD