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  1. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Indianapolis, IN
    Sorry it took so long. x and z endstop switch wires decided to pull loose from switch. So Ive got them soldered back together and reran the test. For some reason, Cura didn't want to connect to the printer, so I saved the print (20mm cube) to SD card and printed from there.

    As near as I can tell, it is falling, but if i look at control/temperature/nozzle on the lcd panel, it still says 210. It is coming back up now, so I think that it must be something in the gcode telling it to cool or it doesn't regulate temp very good or it just has some serious bad juju. Or my ignorance (most likely).

    Anyway, I've attached some video of it printing. For some strange reason it starts off like a normal cube for the first few layers then starts gradually moving in the y direction (nozzle does also travel in z direction).
    Power Supply:
    Finished Print:

    I'm sure I've missed something simple, I was just wanting to print something regardless of the quality to see if everything was working right before I started dialing things in.

    BTW - I did look for a local maker group to draw from their experience, but the closest one is about 50 miles. I appreciate the help you are offering. There is just sooo much on 3d printing out there and some of it contradictory. I don't know what's the "best" place to look and I don't know exactly what everything is called to know what to look for. I've gathered that the kit I bought is a Prusa I3, but sometimes looking at pictures of other Prusa I3's the extruder setup looks nothing like mine.
    Very confusing!
    Last edited by pgriffy; 08-18-2015 at 09:46 AM.

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