Quote Originally Posted by ronbamber View Post
hi can you help I have all the same problems as jeffAllen,has any one have rollback link for 3.6 for mac,please would be gratefull
Hey ronbamber. I'd be happy to help. Here's a download link to 3.6 for OS X:


Before you install please make sure to completely uninstall MakerBot Desktop and any temp files by following my instructions below.

1) Uninstall MakerBot Desktop completely.

2) After you've uninstalled MakerBot Desktop, open the System Preferences window. Click on Users & Groups, under the System heading. If you see a lock icon in the lower left corner of the window, click it to unlock it. Locate the "MakerBot Conveyor Service" user in the list on the left side of the window and click it. Click the minus ( - ) icon near the lower left corner of the window, and then click "Ok" in the box that pops up.

3) Open your terminal and run the following line of code:

rm -rf ~/.config/MakerBot

Let me know how it goes.