Quote Originally Posted by Steve W View Post
So.. I ask all of you who have purchased printers - does yours accept any (chemically compatible) filament, or does your machine lock up if you use another brand, or unbranded filament?
You have two choices:
1. Support the DRM style monopoly of that specific brand of printer. Buy their printer and continue buying their filament.
2. Vote with your wallet by buying another brand printer and then telling XYZ that you did and why.

Companies like this continue to prey on the myopic or under-informed buyers flooding the market. They have one goal and one goal only. Sell you their printer then rape you for the supplies for it. Same for inkjet printers such as HP and and Epson who chip their ink cartridges. Cheap printer, expensive ink. Same with XYZ. Make your own choice. Many here would like you to choose #2 above but its your money to vote with.

MOST printers are NOT like the XYZ. There are some that are, but the vast majority are not.

Mine, a LulzBot Taz5 may not be in your budget range, but I can attest it will take ANY filament brand you can shove in it. In fact I have printed exactly ONE print using Lulz' brand filament and that was the first test print with the sample it shipped with The rest of my prints have been from filament from MakerGeeks, MatterHackers, ColorFabb, GlobalFSD, etc.