Alright... So i was going for round two, and all was going mostly well (On the first layer, whenever it was done laying the first trace of an edge, and would move to another one, it would always pull up about a half a millimeters worth of filament when it would move to the next edge, why is this? I increased the retract, but it didn't help much... The rest is setting i need to adjust. Beyond that, i am not having the issue i was having originally) and at one point, the printer just stops. No power outage or anything. It doesn't even tell me it finished, it just asks if i want to print again. the hotend was still on, the print was halfway done, the nozzle was resting on part of the print (Slowly melting it) and the printer acted as if it wasn't even printing. I had to jog the motors to remove my print because it was still on it. Why? Corrupt SD card? Corrupt x3g?

And another issue, the top kinda looks weird. What should i modify to fix it? The amount extruded looks fine (It occasionally had a few small blobs on the supports, showing it was almost over extruding)
Blue paper is where extruder stopped.