Quote Originally Posted by sinful View Post
I would definitely recommend you to change the plunger kit, can happen that the spring wears off over time. So for a temporary solution you can take it out, stretch it a little bit with pliers, clean the drive gear with metal brush put everything back together, spray just a little bit of WD-40 in the hole where you load filament, then load it and start the print it should give you a better result.
Plunger? Got rid of the one a while ago... And i have cleaned the spring/tension device 4 time sin the past 4 days. I have not, however, stretched the spring. Might try that. Did use DW40, however. Sprayed some into the nozzle and tube after i cleaned it all out, and let it burn off when I turned it on. I've soaked the drive gear in acetone and brushed it every time.

I've noticed that most of the time, the prints fail proportional to their height. To do a test, i printed a simple bolt, which was suppose to be ~2". The print failed right as it was getting to the threads (It wasn't the threads that caused the issue, the fact that it stopped as the threads were starting is coincidence. I could repeat this with any tall object.) So what i did, is a scaled it up by like 2.8. Guess what? It also failed at the same height, proportionally!

I'll stretch the spring when my current print is done. I added a very tall object (Proportionally) to a current flatter object i am printing. If the small object completes just fine, and the tall object fails, well, that narrows a few things down.

And if it does happen to be software, how is it that all three slicers failed???