well I'd personally take a look at either the new wanhao:
Which is an irpusa i3 base - so plenty of both knowlege and files for upgrading around.

A flashforge creator:
Again - great printers and lots of info, upgrades etc readily available.

or this one:

Don't sweat too much on accuracy and print resolution. No desktop pr9inter will exactly duplicate the models' measurements.
After a few prints you learn your particular printers foibles and adjust accordingly.
So you can generate models down to a few hundreths of a millimetre with any of the above.

And alternative would be a delta kit - like this one:

realistically for that price you're looking at an i3, kit or built a delta kit or a makerbot clone.
All of which will do the job :-)

Whereabouts in the uk are you ?
My workshop is always open for demos, chats etc :-)