
Ok well, I just ran the new firmware on my other machine and it does it too. I am thinking of different reasons for this, and it seems hard to isolate in theory.

The jerk that occurs, is mid print during a long travel and at the very end of the travel move. It doesnt happen all the time, it happens maybe every few minutes with larger time intervals gaps in between.

It 'seems' and sounds like the stepper is skipping but it isn't. If there was a skip, I would be able to tell by looking at the layers being shifted pretty bad. After closer visual inspection of the ocurrance, I can say that the motor STOPS or attempts to stop during a move, but then starts back up and goes to its location which ends up being just a few mm away during these circumstances.

Almost as if something is telling the motor, stop before you get there, then pick up again that last little short distance. It happens so fast, I had to watch it over and over 100 times before I figured out the moves.

What scares me is the stopping and starting, it sounds almost like a bang or loud click. The motors are really getting pissed off when this happens. As a result of this motion, the X motor did skip yesterday one time, but only after 100's of times of performing this crazy move. The inertia was just too much for that one time and I noticed the skip when the layers didnt line up on the X axis.

Up until now I have done the following.
The accels were lowered but that didnt change anything.
I reduced my XY jerk setting from 20 to 5 and that didnt help.
Brought my travel move speeds down as well.

not sure what this could be, totally puzzled.